Laura Poulette looks over the writing homework of her son, Isaac Deaver (right), 8, as her older son Eli Deaver, 10, observes. The boys spend the morning at home with their mom before going to lessons at their grandmother's home.

Laura Poulette gathers water from a rain bucket while talking on the phone. The family collects rainwater for washing dishes and showering and buys water for cooking and drinking.

Isaac Deaver (left), 8, and his brother, Eli Deaver, 10, climb a fort they built themselves in their family's meadow in Berea.

Strider Deaver searches in a bird book to identify a feather for his son, Issac. "I had to carry that feather out of the woods without putting it in my pocket and messing it up," Strider tells Isaac. "And then I give it to you, and a minute later you're messing with it."

Eli Deaver stretches out his hand to his baby pig, Dash. Pigglets Dash and Dot are being raised as meat pigs to feed the family.

Laura Poulette embraces her son, Isaac Deaver, before leaving him at his grandmother's home for formal home-schooling.

Isaac Deaver concentrates while practicing his handwriting at his home in Berea before going to his grandmother Judy Poulette's home for lessons.

Laura Poulette reads "Spiderwick" to her son Isaac Deaver, 8, before bedtime. Laura doesn't take part in her son's traditional home-schooling, but she teaches throughout the day using real-life situations. "I have late fees at the library because of these books," she says.